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The Karcher range includes pressure washers, vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners and steam vacuums, window vacs as well as outdoor sweepers. A wide range of accessories is also available to to increase the areas of application and ease of use of the machines.

Consumables are available for current and old models, if your required item is not listed please contact us so that we can assist.

Karcher is famous for the high pressure washer and are innovators of many new cleaning machines and accessories. Karcher receives many design and innovation awards annually. The research and development department has state of the art equipment and 3-D imaging and modelling in order to ensure that the new machines are not only practical and functional but also strong enough to withstand the day to day wear and tear that the machines may encounter.

Incoming supplies and materials are tested and analysed to ensure that they conform to Karcher high standard.

Karcher cares about the environment and makes use of the latest technology and energy saving equipment not only in the production facilities but also in the offices and workspaces.
